Statistics & Research about Storrs,CT - Wilcox And Reynolds Insurance Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Storrs,CT an area served by Wilcox And Reynolds Insurance Llc

Phone : 860-429-9387

Real estate research for area nearby Wilcox And Reynolds Insurance Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Crystal Lake 295,300 1237 5.0
Foster Center 246,000 525 2.6
Bozrah 262,400 1071 4.9
Moosup 178,400 916 6.2
Andover 302,500 792 3.1
Hazardville 189,700 1111 7.0
Warren 215,600 768 4.3
Higganum 269,100 1048 4.7
Chester Center 311,100 1200 4.6
Wauregan 164,800 1090 7.9

Number of vacant houses in places near by Wilcox And Reynolds Insurance Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Crystal Lake 86
Bozrah 20
Moosup 218
Andover 18
Hazardville 37
Warren 147
Chester Center 109
Wauregan 68
Griswold 496
Stafford 436
Mashantucket 6
Agawam Town 503
Franklin 29

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Wilcox And Reynolds Insurance Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Crystal Lake 198
Foster Center 10
Bozrah 201
Moosup 117
Andover 281
Hazardville 258
Warren 276
Higganum 135
Chester Center 147
Wauregan 76
Griswold 669
Stafford 756
Mashantucket 29
Agawam Town 1776
Franklin 171

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Wilcox And Reynolds Insurance Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Bozrah 39
Moosup 25
Andover 36
Hazardville 31
Warren 96
Higganum 31
Chester Center 33
Wauregan 11
Griswold 58
Stafford 261
Mashantucket 10
Agawam Town 335
Franklin 48

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Wilcox And Reynolds Insurance Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Crystal Lake 452600
Foster Center 410000
Bozrah 345500
Moosup 168000
Andover 371700
Hazardville 371800
Warren 268300
Griswold 319100
Stafford 295800
Mashantucket 167500
Agawam Town 359300
Franklin 342600