Statistics & Research about Farmington,CT - Wentworth Deangelis Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Farmington,CT an area served by Wentworth Deangelis Inc

Phone : 860-676-3073

Real estate research for area nearby Wentworth Deangelis Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Woodbury 371,000 1097 3.5
Sherwood Manor 200,900 1083 6.5
Naugatuck 211,100 964 5.5
North Haven 311,600 1183 4.6
Avon 390,900 1356 4.2
Winsted 181,300 894 5.9
Crystal Lake 295,300 1237 5.0
Litchfield County 272,000 931 4.1
East Longmeadow 266,500 660 3.0
West Simsbury 423,200 1136 3.2

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Wentworth Deangelis Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Woodbury 346
Sherwood Manor 69
Naugatuck 926
North Haven 729
Avon 495
Winsted 517
Crystal Lake 51
Litchfield County 7692
East Longmeadow 421
West Simsbury 103
Portland 277
Oakville 465
Longmeadow 428
Goshen 51
Wallingford Center 1459

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Wentworth Deangelis Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Woodbury 610700
Sherwood Manor 269200
Naugatuck 334300
North Haven 354300
Avon 688200
Winsted 204300
Crystal Lake 452600
Litchfield County 419200
East Longmeadow 524400
West Simsbury 1000001
Portland 343700
Oakville 362200
Longmeadow 509600
Goshen 677500
Wallingford Center 269700

Number of new houses in places near by Wentworth Deangelis Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Litchfield County 335900

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Wentworth Deangelis Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Woodbury 440900
Sherwood Manor 189500
Naugatuck 250200
North Haven 440200
Avon 610500
Crystal Lake 263300
Litchfield County 348300
East Longmeadow 383600
West Simsbury 875000
Portland 353800
Oakville 211100
Longmeadow 369800
Goshen 408100
Wallingford Center 352700