Statistics & Research about Cromwell,CT - Usi Insurance Services Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Cromwell,CT an area served by Usi Insurance Services Llc

Phone : 860-635-8700

Car dealers nearby Usi Insurance Services Llc

Cromwell Automotive

Phone: (860) 613-2355

Real estate research for area nearby Usi Insurance Services Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Plainville 209,500 920 5.3
Hartford County 246,400 960 4.7
Deep River 282,000 946 4.0
East Hampton 273,900 983 4.3
East Lyme 325,500 1236 4.6
Bolton 287,300 1208 5.0
Tariffville 206,600 960 5.6
Durham 350,800 1620 5.5
Litchfield 337,700 1045 3.7
West Haven 222,400 1054 5.7

Number of whites in places near by Usi Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of whites
Plainville 16488
Hartford County 654726
Deep River 4185
East Hampton 12179
East Lyme 16082
Bolton 4732
Tariffville 1169
Durham 6990
Litchfield 8142
West Haven 38712
Barkhamsted 3729
Essex 6484
Branford 25571
Middlebury 6837
Berlin 18320

Number of new houses in places near by Usi Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of new houses
Hartford County 357400
Essex 1000001

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Usi Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Plainville 842
Hartford County 58730
Deep River 412
East Hampton 978
East Lyme 1820
Bolton 525
Tariffville 61
Durham 943
Litchfield 909
West Haven 2108
Barkhamsted 262
Essex 777
Branford 1491
Middlebury 963
Berlin 1325

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Usi Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Plainville 142
Hartford County 13171
Deep River 61
East Hampton 181
East Lyme 477
Bolton 97
Tariffville 54
Durham 52
Litchfield 252
West Haven 554
Barkhamsted 44
Essex 166
Branford 391
Middlebury 93
Berlin 364