Statistics & Research about Bethel,CT - Underwriters Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Bethel,CT an area served by Underwriters Inc

Phone : 203-730-0634

Real estate research for area nearby Underwriters Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hillside Lake 281,300 1403 6.0
Woodbury 371,000 1097 3.5
Putnam Valley 384,700 1236 3.9
Washington 551,800 1022 2.2
Cos Cob 935,700 1928 2.5
Crugers 505,300 1096 2.6
Cheshire Village 326,300 870 3.2
Crompond 500000 NA NA
New Fairfield 367,600 1549 5.1
North Castle 910,100 1841 2.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Underwriters Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Hillside Lake 69
Woodbury 1500
Putnam Valley 1193
Washington 381
Cos Cob 420
Crugers 143
Cheshire Village 336
Crompond 94
New Fairfield 938
North Castle 402
Byram 702
Katonah 76
Putnam County 9036
Bantam 66
New Canaan 1018

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Underwriters Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Hillside Lake 30
Woodbury 158
Putnam Valley 99
Washington 119
Cos Cob 233
Cheshire Village 136
Crompond 54
New Fairfield 150
North Castle 723
Byram 95
Katonah 33
Putnam County 1687
Bantam 4
New Canaan 1808

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Underwriters Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Hillside Lake 7
Woodbury 1161
Putnam Valley 1046
Washington 442
Cos Cob 676
Crugers 72
Cheshire Village 559
Crompond 292
New Fairfield 1581
North Castle 1385
Byram 187
Katonah 115
Putnam County 8624
Bantam 72
New Canaan 2312

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Underwriters Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Hillside Lake 150
Woodbury 1362
Putnam Valley 1918
Washington 875
Cos Cob 1092
Crugers 124
Cheshire Village 814
Crompond 229
New Fairfield 2483
North Castle 1202
Byram 639
Katonah 300
Putnam County 14625
Bantam 87
New Canaan 1841