Statistics & Research about Vernon,CT - The John M Risley Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Vernon,CT an area served by The John M Risley Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 860-871-1001

Car dealers nearby The John M Risley Insurance Agency Inc

Suburban Subaru

Suburban Subaru, 24 Hartford TpkeVernon, CT 06066 , Sales: (866) 723-0597, Service: (888) 485-8934, Parts: (888) 475-0788
Phone: (866) 723-0597

Real estate research for area nearby The John M Risley Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Tariffville 206,600 960 5.6
Marlborough 303,000 1184 4.7
Pomfret 311,500 900 3.5
Cromwell 248,100 1090 5.3
Mansfield Center 255,600 1625 7.6
Bolton 287,300 1208 5.0
New Hartford 271,800 1094 4.8
Plainville 209,500 920 5.3
East Haddam 303,000 1353 5.4
Tolland 285,300 1213 5.1

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by The John M Risley Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Tariffville 157100
Marlborough 294600
Pomfret 311800
Cromwell 242800
Bolton 330700
New Hartford 335800
Plainville 187700
East Haddam 291700
Tolland 312400
Franklin 268300
New Britain 153400
West Springfield Town 290200
Haddam 331400
Quinebaug 411100

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by The John M Risley Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Tariffville 182
Marlborough 1243
Pomfret 679
Cromwell 2239
Mansfield Center 248
Bolton 995
New Hartford 1507
Plainville 3250
East Haddam 2408
Tolland 2669
Franklin 400
New Britain 10252
West Springfield Town 4372
Haddam 1570
Quinebaug 150

Number of blacks in places near by The John M Risley Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Tariffville 39
Marlborough 82
Pomfret 43
Cromwell 934
Bolton 80
New Hartford 28
Plainville 352
East Haddam 44
Tolland 46
Franklin 2
New Britain 8692
West Springfield Town 634

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by The John M Risley Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Marlborough 446300
Pomfret 424400
Cromwell 471500
Mansfield Center 415800
Bolton 429500
New Hartford 446800
Plainville 256900
East Haddam 361900
Tolland 437200
Franklin 342600
New Britain 216300
West Springfield Town 352700
Haddam 530100
Quinebaug 277800