Statistics & Research about Waterford,CT - Swanson Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Waterford,CT an area served by Swanson Insurance

Phone : 860-443-1500

Real estate research for area nearby Swanson Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Greenport West 454,900 1337 3.5
Old Saybrook 401,800 1524 4.6
Franklin 264,400 1635 7.4
Chester 293,600 1143 4.7
Lisbon 247,800 886 4.3
Shelter Island Heights 835,400 1775 2.5
Baltic 162,600 895 6.6
Orient 683,600 1569 2.8
Stonington 352,800 1097 3.7

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Swanson Insurance

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Greenport West 531300
Old Saybrook 434400
Franklin 268300
Chester 336300
Lisbon 241400
Shelter Island Heights 812500
Orient 625000
Stonington 320300
Ledyard 291900
Richmond 255000
Conning Towers Nautilus Park 289100
Durham 364900

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Swanson Insurance

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Greenport West 374100
Old Saybrook 411500
Franklin 224100
Chester 242600
Lisbon 205900
Shelter Island Heights 1000001
Orient 496400
Stonington 268100
Ledyard 233900
Richmond 228400
Conning Towers Nautilus Park 238400
Durham 300000

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Swanson Insurance

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Greenport West 390400
Old Saybrook 552700
Franklin 329300
Chester 381300
Lisbon 279800
Shelter Island Heights 968800
Orient 912500
Stonington 453300
Ledyard 302100
Richmond 310000
Conning Towers Nautilus Park 197800
Durham 376500
Moodus 269200