Statistics & Research about Westerly,RI - Starkweather & Shepley Ins Brokerage Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Westerly,RI an area served by Starkweather & Shepley Ins Brokerage Inc

Phone : 401-596-2212

Real estate research for area nearby Starkweather & Shepley Ins Brokerage Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Old Mystic 237,600 1173 5.9
Bozrah 262,400 1071 4.9
Napeague 868900 NA NA
Coventry 239,800 855 4.3
Moosup 178,400 916 6.2
Newport 402,200 1131 3.4
New Shoreham 1,000,001 825 1.0
Quonochontaug 575,800 1563 3.3
Canterbury 249,900 732 3.5
Old Lyme 422,200 1372 3.9

Number of new houses in places near by Starkweather & Shepley Ins Brokerage Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Newport 471400
Newport County 513900

Number of vacant houses in places near by Starkweather & Shepley Ins Brokerage Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Old Mystic 26
Bozrah 20
Napeague 661
Coventry 863
Moosup 218
Newport 2702
New Shoreham 1363
Quonochontaug 539
Canterbury 66
Old Lyme 1640
Weekapaug 415
Plainfield Village 214
Hope Valley 183
Newport County 6995

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Starkweather & Shepley Ins Brokerage Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Old Mystic 339500
Bozrah 345500
Coventry 338100
Moosup 168000
Newport 679700
New Shoreham 172500
Canterbury 278100
Old Lyme 497100
Plainfield Village 49700
Hope Valley 275000
Newport County 513700

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Starkweather & Shepley Ins Brokerage Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Old Mystic 19
Bozrah 39
Napeague 78
Coventry 422
Moosup 25
Newport 735
New Shoreham 177
Quonochontaug 30
Canterbury 87
Old Lyme 288
Weekapaug 60
Plainfield Village 14
Hope Valley 36
Newport County 2022