Statistics & Research about Niantic,CT - Smith Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Niantic,CT an area served by Smith Insurance Inc

Phone : 860-739-3322

Real estate research for area nearby Smith Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Terramuggus 367,100 1500 4.9
Durham 350,800 1620 5.5
New Suffolk 640,400 1725 3.2
Voluntown 245,500 1014 5.0
Sagaponack 1000001 NA NA
Montville 231,000 989 5.1
Portland 298,900 951 3.8
Carolina 282,000 1563 6.7
Old Saybrook 401,800 1524 4.6
Bradford 261,200 899 4.1

Number of whites in places near by Smith Insurance Inc

Place name Number of whites
Terramuggus 839
Durham 6990
New Suffolk 313
Voluntown 2467
Sagaponack 224
Montville 15525
Portland 9067
Carolina 1381
Old Saybrook 9968
Bradford 1317
Napeague 324
East Lyme 16082
Griswold 11053
Amagansett 892
Groton Long Point 459

Number of vacant houses in places near by Smith Insurance Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Terramuggus 51
Durham 70
New Suffolk 141
Voluntown 136
Sagaponack 479
Montville 477
Portland 322
Carolina 32
Old Saybrook 1373
Bradford 82
Napeague 661
East Lyme 1164
Griswold 496
Amagansett 1347
Groton Long Point 304

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Smith Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Durham 364900
New Suffolk 875000
Voluntown 276900
Sagaponack 1000001
Montville 255200
Portland 350200
Carolina 260500
Old Saybrook 434400
Bradford 272700
Napeague 864600
East Lyme 332000
Griswold 215800
Amagansett 1000001
Groton Long Point 866100

Number of blacks in places near by Smith Insurance Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Durham 34
Montville 1031
Portland 110
Old Saybrook 29
Bradford 123
East Lyme 874
Griswold 75
Amagansett 14