Statistics & Research about Hartford,CT - Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Hartford,CT an area served by Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Phone : 860-523-9445

Car dealers nearby Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

New Country Bmw

New Country BMW, One Weston Park Road , Hartford, CT , 06120 , Sales: (866) 498-7471Service: (877) 438-3052Parts: (877) 268-6104
Phone: (866) 498-7471

Real estate research for area nearby Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Longmeadow 343,000 1115 3.9
Chester 293,600 1143 4.7
Thompsonville 188,100 984 6.3
Goshen 387,000 1151 3.6
Bolton 287,300 1208 5.0
Terryville 198,600 948 5.7
Rocky Hill 273,600 1256 5.5
Durham 350,800 1620 5.5
Somers 325,000 1300 4.8
Marlborough 303,000 1184 4.7

Number of old houses in places near by Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Longmeadow 313700
Chester 264800
Thompsonville 191000
Goshen 357100
Bolton 260400
Terryville 191600
Rocky Hill 273000
Durham 298800
Somers 290000
Marlborough 429100
Tolland 257000
Andover 226500
Tolland 800000
Middletown 204200
Vernon 198600

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Longmeadow 428
Chester 311
Thompsonville 400
Goshen 51
Bolton 185
Terryville 214
Rocky Hill 1252
Durham 84
Somers 74
Marlborough 85
Tolland 310
Andover 62
Tolland 11
Middletown 4241
Vernon 3112

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Longmeadow 1921
Chester 301
Thompsonville 429
Goshen 495
Bolton 525
Terryville 422
Rocky Hill 1036
Durham 943
Somers 1110
Marlborough 588
Tolland 1723
Andover 281
Tolland 83
Middletown 2408
Vernon 1732

Number of vacant houses in places near by Shimkus Murphy & Lemkuil Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Longmeadow 149
Chester 259
Thompsonville 288
Goshen 368
Bolton 201
Terryville 193
Rocky Hill 527
Durham 70
Somers 178
Marlborough 91
Tolland 15
Andover 18
Tolland 306
Middletown 1543
Vernon 602