Statistics & Research about North Providence,RI - Sarah Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about North Providence,RI an area served by Sarah Insurance Services Inc

Phone : 401-725-6739

Car dealers nearby Sarah Insurance Services Inc

Sabets Auto Sales

1271 Mineral Springs Avenue , North Providence, RI 02904
North Providence,RI
Phone: 401-722-1818

Real estate research for area nearby Sarah Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Quinebaug 246,600 934 4.5
Harrisville 237,600 912 4.6
Smith Mills 278,700 606 2.6
Mansfield Center 323,700 1023 3.8
Woodstock 273,800 951 4.2
Chepachet 244,900 503 2.5
Stoughton 318,400 1111 4.2
Douglas 291,100 989 4.1
Norton 309,900 934 3.6
Norfolk County 393,000 1246 3.8

Number of whites in places near by Sarah Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of whites
Quinebaug 1017
Harrisville 2481
Smith Mills 4889
Mansfield Center 7806
Woodstock 7657
Chepachet 1317
Stoughton 23254
Douglas 8307
Norton 17711
Norfolk County 553604
Sutton 8908
Foster 4283
Westborough 13470
Burrillville 15398
Little Compton 3433

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Sarah Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Quinebaug 96
Harrisville 151
Smith Mills 323
Mansfield Center 423
Woodstock 643
Chepachet 32
Stoughton 2098
Douglas 725
Norton 1190
Norfolk County 54729
Sutton 824
Foster 297
Westborough 1896
Burrillville 818
Little Compton 302

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Sarah Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Quinebaug 52
Harrisville 17
Smith Mills 16
Mansfield Center 176
Woodstock 133
Chepachet 26
Stoughton 421
Douglas 59
Norton 200
Norfolk County 16759
Sutton 92
Foster 48
Westborough 457
Burrillville 255
Little Compton 204

Number of blacks in places near by Sarah Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Harrisville 14
Smith Mills 113
Mansfield Center 32
Woodstock 49
Stoughton 2718
Douglas 35
Norton 773
Norfolk County 39518
Sutton 11
Foster 132
Westborough 530
Burrillville 61
Little Compton 9