Statistics & Research about Gales Ferry,CT - Safe Harbor Insurance Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Gales Ferry,CT an area served by Safe Harbor Insurance Llc

Phone : 860-564-1600

Real estate research for area nearby Safe Harbor Insurance Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Richmond 293,100 1162 4.8
Coventry 239,800 855 4.3
Jewett City 176,200 887 6.0
Chester 293,600 1143 4.7
Haddam 328,000 905 3.3
Deep River Center 252,700 932 4.4
East Hampton 840,000 1766 2.5
Moodus 259,300 954 4.4
Long Hill 172,600 1279 8.9
Scotland 252,700 1135 5.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Safe Harbor Insurance Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Richmond 378
Coventry 3856
Jewett City 861
Chester 585
Haddam 692
Deep River Center 389
East Hampton 4048
Moodus 212
Long Hill 1229
Scotland 150
Oxoboxo River 724
Chaplin 278
Springs 811
Lyme 323
Carolina 108

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Safe Harbor Insurance Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Richmond 165
Coventry 1306
Jewett City 421
Chester 311
Haddam 177
Deep River Center 166
East Hampton 1449
Moodus 101
Long Hill 663
Scotland 31
Oxoboxo River 119
Chaplin 69
Springs 132
Lyme 35
Carolina 44

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Safe Harbor Insurance Llc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Richmond 228400
Coventry 228000
Jewett City 173900
Chester 242600
Haddam 271500
Deep River Center 241700
East Hampton 781700
Long Hill 216700
Scotland 208300
Oxoboxo River 204000
Chaplin 222600
Springs 616400
Lyme 640600

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Safe Harbor Insurance Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Richmond 1746
Coventry 6717
Jewett City 184
Chester 714
Haddam 1570
Deep River Center 449
East Hampton 7896
Moodus 260
Long Hill 320
Scotland 291
Oxoboxo River 494
Chaplin 408
Springs 2110
Lyme 494
Carolina 287