Statistics & Research about Providence,RI - Prime Meridian Ins Group Ltd

Here are some statistics & research about Providence,RI an area served by Prime Meridian Ins Group Ltd

963 Charles St North 

Real estate research for area nearby Prime Meridian Ins Group Ltd

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
North Attleborough 334,400 977 3.5
Cumberland 266,900 857 3.9
Newport 402,200 1131 3.4
Dighton 321,700 985 3.7
Rehoboth 383,800 1082 3.4
Putnam 206,500 916 5.3
Hopedale 330,200 1000 3.6
South Kingstown 358,100 1044 3.5
Killingly 203,900 812 4.8
Pascoag 229,500 863 4.5

Number of whites in places near by Prime Meridian Ins Group Ltd

Place name Number of whites
North Attleborough 26552
Cumberland 31605
Newport 21163
Dighton 6865
Rehoboth 11316
Putnam 8610
Hopedale 5782
South Kingstown 27569
Killingly 16238
Pascoag 3504
Grafton 15472
South Woodstock 884
Sharon 13936
East Providence 40016
Hope Valley 1649

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Prime Meridian Ins Group Ltd

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
North Attleborough 492400
Cumberland 308900
Newport 679700
Dighton 374700
Rehoboth 466500
Putnam 230900
Hopedale 546100
South Kingstown 443900
Killingly 272500
Pascoag 293800
Grafton 445700
South Woodstock 401600
Sharon 573800
East Providence 343300
Hope Valley 275000

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Prime Meridian Ins Group Ltd

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
North Attleborough 426
Cumberland 376
Newport 735
Dighton 64
Rehoboth 172
Putnam 117
Hopedale 80
South Kingstown 332
Killingly 354
Pascoag 121
Grafton 284
South Woodstock 26
Sharon 513
East Providence 465
Hope Valley 36

Number of blacks in places near by Prime Meridian Ins Group Ltd

Place name Number of blacks
North Attleborough 746
Cumberland 286
Newport 1793
Dighton 4
Rehoboth 22
Putnam 253
Hopedale 9
South Kingstown 609
Killingly 207
Pascoag 3
Grafton 265
South Woodstock 46
Sharon 1002
East Providence 2784