Statistics & Research about Granby,CT - Peter M Bakker Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Granby,CT an area served by Peter M Bakker Agency Inc

Phone : (860) 653-7231

Real estate research for area nearby Peter M Bakker Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Sherwood Manor 200,900 1083 6.5
East Granby 274,000 886 3.9
Agawam Town 230,500 845 4.4
Canaan 317,300 694 2.6
Oakville 227,300 1021 5.4
Easthampton Town 231,800 873 4.5
Suffield 326,300 1070 3.9
Canton 322,300 1101 4.1
Hartford 178,300 855 5.8
Granville 276,500 833 3.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Peter M Bakker Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Sherwood Manor 446
East Granby 490
Agawam Town 3273
Canaan 202
Oakville 732
Easthampton Town 2186
Suffield 1120
Canton 1092
Hartford 18672
Granville 68
Winsted 1016
New Hartford Center 188
Simsbury 1548
Kensington 792
Wolcott 1123

Number of old houses in places near by Peter M Bakker Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
East Granby 266700
Agawam Town 217500
Canaan 347100
Oakville 218000
Easthampton Town 226400
Suffield 296100
Canton 316400
Hartford 194700
Granville 266200
Winsted 179200
New Hartford Center 167100
Simsbury 301000
Kensington 244600
Wolcott 211700

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Peter M Bakker Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Sherwood Manor 72
East Granby 49
Agawam Town 335
Canaan 21
Oakville 99
Easthampton Town 183
Suffield 407
Canton 252
Hartford 1268
Granville 37
Winsted 139
Simsbury 703
Kensington 109
Wolcott 183