Statistics & Research about Woodbridge,CT - Orlando Jackson Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Woodbridge,CT an area served by Orlando Jackson Insurance Agency

Phone : 203-387-1716

Car dealers nearby Orlando Jackson Insurance Agency

Crest Lincoln

Phone: 877-450-2612

Real estate research for area nearby Orlando Jackson Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Waterbury 158,300 883 6.7
New Haven County 263,900 1053 4.8
Naugatuck 211,100 964 5.5
Heritage Village 158,300 1223 9.3
Southport 678,100 1969 3.5
Westbrook 345,200 906 3.1
Madison Center 650,900 1138 2.1
Higganum 269,100 1048 4.7
Madison 474,300 1135 2.9
Monroe 412,700 1673 4.9

Number of whites in places near by Orlando Jackson Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Waterbury 64633
New Haven County 649827
Naugatuck 27698
Heritage Village 4141
Southport 1696
Westbrook 6633
Madison Center 2397
Higganum 1794
Madison 17487
Monroe 18641
Cannondale 110
Sherman 3531
Fairfield County 699870
Beacon Falls 5803
Middletown 36155

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Orlando Jackson Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Waterbury 17781
New Haven County 110472
Naugatuck 4213
Heritage Village 1897
Southport 163
Westbrook 963
Madison Center 296
Higganum 258
Madison 1057
Monroe 749
Sherman 268
Fairfield County 89212
Beacon Falls 601
Middletown 6724

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Orlando Jackson Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Waterbury 184700
New Haven County 413100
Naugatuck 334300
Heritage Village 168200
Southport 1000001
Westbrook 384000
Madison Center 1000001
Madison 808700
Monroe 725300
Sherman 568000
Fairfield County 666200
Beacon Falls 391900
Middletown 383400

Number of blacks in places near by Orlando Jackson Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Waterbury 21471
New Haven County 107283
Naugatuck 1570
Heritage Village 11
Westbrook 61
Madison 72
Monroe 145
Fairfield County 99871
Middletown 6094