Statistics & Research about Winsted,CT - Moore & Alvord Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Winsted,CT an area served by Moore & Alvord Agency Inc

Phone : 860-379-7535

Real estate research for area nearby Moore & Alvord Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Wolcott 251,200 924 4.4
Terryville 198,600 948 5.7
Goshen 387,000 1151 3.6
Collinsville 288,000 1157 4.8
East Windsor 232,000 1067 5.5
Southwood Acres 205,000 1034 6.1
North Granby 338200 NA NA
Winchester 195,400 917 5.6
Hazardville 189,700 1111 7.0
Lakeville 432,100 1151 3.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Moore & Alvord Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Wolcott 1123
Terryville 721
Goshen 245
Collinsville 470
East Windsor 1923
Southwood Acres 364
North Granby 33
Winchester 1568
Hazardville 402
Lakeville 123
Broad Brook 770
Salisbury 455
Harwinton 372
Plymouth 1425
Blue Hills 245

Number of old houses in places near by Moore & Alvord Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Wolcott 211700
Terryville 191600
Goshen 357100
Collinsville 274600
East Windsor 218400
Southwood Acres 259600
North Granby 279700
Winchester 183800
Hazardville 177400
Lakeville 414000
Broad Brook 251200
Salisbury 537200
Harwinton 298000
Plymouth 200000
Blue Hills 166400

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Moore & Alvord Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Wolcott 400900
Terryville 328500
Goshen 677500
Collinsville 529800
East Windsor 319900
Southwood Acres 335700
North Granby 278100
Winchester 302700
Hazardville 371800
Broad Brook 332200
Salisbury 1000000
Harwinton 446200
Plymouth 323600