Statistics & Research about South Windsor,CT - Mike Honea Agency

Here are some statistics & research about South Windsor,CT an area served by Mike Honea Agency

828 Sullivan Ave
South Windsor,CT

Real estate research for area nearby Mike Honea Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
East Windsor 232,000 1067 5.5
Eastford 262,900 863 3.9
Montgomery 280,700 775 3.3
Tolland 285,300 1213 5.1
East Hampton 273,900 983 4.3
West Hartford 305,600 1140 4.5
Terryville 198,600 948 5.7
Granby 240,900 690 3.4
North Granby 338200 NA NA
Southampton 296,900 1147 4.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Mike Honea Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
East Windsor 1923
Eastford 163
Montgomery 96
Tolland 597
East Hampton 1210
West Hartford 6128
Terryville 721
Granby 646
North Granby 33
Southampton 614
Russell 179
Ludlow 2266
Kensington 792
Suffield 1120
Stafford 1189

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Mike Honea Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
East Windsor 407
Eastford 60
Montgomery 17
Tolland 310
East Hampton 403
West Hartford 3103
Terryville 214
Granby 213
North Granby 18
Southampton 71
Russell 63
Ludlow 595
Kensington 252
Suffield 261
Stafford 398

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Mike Honea Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
East Windsor 260200
Eastford 225000
Montgomery 240000
Tolland 235600
East Hampton 211700
West Hartford 327900
Terryville 199500
Granby 193500
Southampton 254600
Russell 203600
Ludlow 194700
Kensington 282400
Suffield 285100
Stafford 223200

Number of new houses in places near by Mike Honea Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Southampton 306700