Statistics & Research about East Hartford,CT - Marc D Glass Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about East Hartford,CT an area served by Marc D Glass Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 860-282-0016

Car dealers nearby Marc D Glass Insurance Agency Inc

Gengras Volvo

Gengras Volvo , 300 Connecticut Blvd.East Hartford, CT, 06108 , Sales: (877) 787-9112 , Service: (877) 360-2889 , Parts: (877) 360-4944
East Hartford,CT
Phone: (877) 787-9112

East Hartford,CT

Hoffman Ford Lincoln, Inc.

HOFFMAN FORD LINCOLN, INC. , , 600 Connecticut Boulevard, East Hartford,CT , 06108 ,
East Hartford,CT
Phone: (860) 289-7721

Real estate research for area nearby Marc D Glass Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Farmington 338,400 1190 4.2
Colchester 277,900 1092 4.7
Salem 314,200 1088 4.2
Lake Pocotopaug 257,400 920 4.3
Kensington 276,600 991 4.3
Windsor Locks 209,800 896 5.1
Stafford Springs 184,200 748 4.9
Middlesex County 299,600 1005 4.0
North Granby 338200 NA NA
Terryville 198,600 948 5.7

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Marc D Glass Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Farmington 1091
Colchester 567
Salem 157
Lake Pocotopaug 177
Kensington 252
Windsor Locks 453
Stafford Springs 280
Middlesex County 8395
North Granby 18
Terryville 214
South Coventry 124
Coventry 319
New Britain 5107
Prospect 118
Deep River Center 166

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Marc D Glass Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Farmington 445500
Colchester 371700
Salem 445500
Lake Pocotopaug 344400
Kensington 422100
Windsor Locks 316400
Stafford Springs 221100
Middlesex County 408800
North Granby 278100
Terryville 328500
South Coventry 247200
Coventry 339800
New Britain 216300
Prospect 418300
Deep River Center 454500

Number of new houses in places near by Marc D Glass Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Middlesex County 464400

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Marc D Glass Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Farmington 2489
Colchester 1346
Salem 520
Lake Pocotopaug 208
Kensington 443
Windsor Locks 557
Stafford Springs 249
Middlesex County 13567
North Granby 298
Terryville 422
South Coventry 29
Coventry 933
New Britain 2704
Prospect 779
Deep River Center 152