Statistics & Research about Darien,CT - John A Fiesta Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Darien,CT an area served by John A Fiesta Agency Inc

115 Old Kings Hwy N
Phone : 203-662-1027

Car dealers nearby John A Fiesta Agency Inc

Nissan Darien

1335 Post Road, Darien, CT 06820
Phone: (203) 655-7452

Real estate research for area nearby John A Fiesta Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Belle Terre 927,600 2001 2.6
Stony Brook 475,200 1631 4.1
Rockland County 449,600 1316 3.5
Mount Vernon 407,700 1147 3.4
Bronxville 913,900 1820 2.4
Mahopac 407,900 1292 3.8
Dix Hills 718,600 1448 2.4
Brewster 317,100 1180 4.5
Georgetown 621,400 1781 3.4
Wilton Center 417,100 893 2.6

Number of whites in places near by John A Fiesta Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Belle Terre 822
Stony Brook 11976
Rockland County 226906
Mount Vernon 17729
Bronxville 5602
Mahopac 7252
Dix Hills 22437
Brewster 1418
Georgetown 1407
Wilton Center 613
Southport 1696
Glenwood Landing 3446
Cove Neck 233
Brookville 2875
Lake Carmel 6721

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by John A Fiesta Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Stony Brook 137
Rockland County 15451
Mount Vernon 9392
Bronxville 353
Mahopac 478
Dix Hills 200
Brewster 225
Georgetown 32
Wilton Center 222
Southport 13
Glenwood Landing 32
Cove Neck 7
Brookville 3
Lake Carmel 304

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by John A Fiesta Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Belle Terre 112
Stony Brook 1724
Rockland County 28074
Mount Vernon 2089
Bronxville 512
Mahopac 670
Dix Hills 3735
Brewster 48
Georgetown 189
Southport 256
Glenwood Landing 577
Cove Neck 42
Brookville 350
Lake Carmel 452

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by John A Fiesta Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Belle Terre 730800
Stony Brook 688600
Rockland County 545700
Mount Vernon 246900
Mahopac 357700
Dix Hills 1000001
Brewster 65000
Wilton Center 610700
Southport 715900
Glenwood Landing 750000
Cove Neck 1000001
Brookville 1000001
Lake Carmel 353000