Statistics & Research about North Smithfield,RI - Iconnexion Agency

Here are some statistics & research about North Smithfield,RI an area served by Iconnexion Agency

636 Eddie Dowling Hwy
North Smithfield,RI
Phone : (401) 765-1400

Car dealers nearby Iconnexion Agency

Route 146 Auto Sales

North Smithfield,RI
Phone: 401-762-4200

Real estate research for area nearby Iconnexion Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Wayland 604,500 1019 2.0
Sherborn 721,100 2001 3.3
Bristol County 287,800 802 3.3
Avon 310,500 1131 4.4
Oxford 245,300 812 4.0
Moosup 178,400 916 6.2
Millis 366,000 1222 4.0
Spencer 255,400 817 3.8
Sutton 363,200 1045 3.5
Northbridge 288,700 897 3.7

Number of new houses in places near by Iconnexion Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Bristol County 458700
North Kingstown 572400

Number of vacant houses in places near by Iconnexion Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Wayland 230
Sherborn 24
Bristol County 20737
Avon 102
Oxford 203
Moosup 218
Millis 15
Spencer 517
Sutton 115
Northbridge 253
Franklin Town 336
West Warwick 1199
Whitinsville 130
North Kingstown 898
Grafton 296

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Iconnexion Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Wayland 927500
Sherborn 1000001
Bristol County 387900
Avon 490900
Oxford 336100
Moosup 168000
Millis 505500
Spencer 312200
Sutton 437900
Northbridge 402600
Franklin Town 574000
West Warwick 262500
Whitinsville 410200
North Kingstown 579600
Grafton 445700

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Iconnexion Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Wayland 456
Sherborn 246
Bristol County 8110
Avon 49
Oxford 111
Moosup 25
Millis 149
Spencer 172
Sutton 92
Northbridge 267
Franklin Town 414
West Warwick 217
Whitinsville 161
North Kingstown 262
Grafton 284