Statistics & Research about North Haven,CT - Hicks Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about North Haven,CT an area served by Hicks Insurance Group

193 State St
North Haven,CT

Real estate research for area nearby Hicks Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Roxbury 653,000 1667 3.1
New Haven County 263,900 1053 4.8
Brookfield 403,400 1470 4.4
Oxford 377,500 1490 4.7
Northwest Harwinton 271,300 724 3.2
Middlefield 294,500 911 3.7
Fenwick 1000001 NA NA
Baiting Hollow 429,800 858 2.4
Bridgewater 543,500 1264 2.8
Shoreham 648,500 2001 3.7

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Hicks Insurance Group

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Roxbury 70
New Haven County 48616
Brookfield 553
Oxford 83
Northwest Harwinton 88
Middlefield 133
Bridgewater 9
Shoreham 9
New Britain 5107
Prospect 118
Colchester 567
Durham 84
Glastonbury Center 653

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Hicks Insurance Group

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Roxbury 584600
New Haven County 270100
Brookfield 356700
Oxford 329000
Northwest Harwinton 264600
Middlefield 328800
Bridgewater 411800
Shoreham 553600
New Britain 186100
Prospect 260800
Colchester 225600
Durham 300000
Glastonbury Center 356000

Number of new houses in places near by Hicks Insurance Group

Place name Number of new houses
New Haven County 498600
Brookfield 639700

Number of blacks in places near by Hicks Insurance Group

Place name Number of blacks
New Haven County 107283
Brookfield 232
Middlefield 17
Baiting Hollow 1
Bridgewater 13
New Britain 8692
Prospect 226
Colchester 177
Durham 34
Glastonbury Center 198