Statistics & Research about Torrington,CT - H R Madeux Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Torrington,CT an area served by H R Madeux Agency Inc

Phone : 860-482-9084

Car dealers nearby H R Madeux Agency Inc

Countryside Motors

Phone: 860-482-7451

Center Subaru

Center Subaru , 45 Winsted RoadTorrington, CT, 06790 , Sales: (888) 523-2025 , Service: (888) 722-8905 , Parts: (888) 864-1981
Phone: (888) 523-2025

Real estate research for area nearby H R Madeux Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Bethlehem Village 304,500 854 3.4
Great Barrington 347,800 949 3.3
Thomaston 230,300 865 4.5
New Preston 503,000 1084 2.6
Harwinton 303,700 740 2.9
Sandisfield 259,600 980 4.5
Granville 276,500 833 3.6
Torrington 183,200 840 5.5
Sharon 457,700 867 2.3
Blandford 256,000 870 4.1

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by H R Madeux Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Bethlehem Village 110
Great Barrington 444
Thomaston 264
New Preston 57
Harwinton 94
Sandisfield 72
Granville 35
Torrington 2009
Sharon 36
Blandford 19
Roxbury 70
Salisbury 53
Morris 82
Pine Plains 56
Tyringham 22

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by H R Madeux Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Bethlehem Village 357900
Great Barrington 368200
Thomaston 351300
Harwinton 446200
Sandisfield 358300
Granville 285900
Torrington 276400
Sharon 425000
Blandford 363600
Roxbury 1000001
Salisbury 1000000
Morris 380000
Pine Plains 360000
Tyringham 625000

Number of blacks in places near by H R Madeux Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Bethlehem Village 18
Great Barrington 166
Thomaston 37
Granville 6
Torrington 659
Sharon 3
Salisbury 74
Morris 10
Pine Plains 7

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by H R Madeux Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Bethlehem Village 246
Great Barrington 384
Thomaston 456
New Preston 151
Harwinton 439
Sandisfield 92
Granville 153
Torrington 1897
Sharon 370
Blandford 132
Roxbury 377
Salisbury 606
Morris 213
Pine Plains 257
Tyringham 49