Statistics & Research about Putnam,CT - Gerardi Ins Servs Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Putnam,CT an area served by Gerardi Ins Servs Inc

Phone : 860-928-7771

Car dealers nearby Gerardi Ins Servs Inc

King Cadillac Gmc

139 Pomfret St , Putnam, CT 06260
Phone: (888) 387-1611

Girard Ford

Phone: (860) 889-2601

Real estate research for area nearby Gerardi Ins Servs Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Paxton 285,000 979 4.1
Scotland 252,700 1135 5.4
Ellington 274,000 1125 4.9
South Woodstock 242,000 879 4.4
Wrentham 419,500 890 2.5
Grafton 346,600 933 3.2
Coventry 239,800 855 4.3
North Seekonk 271,700 1566 6.9
Millville 278,200 1054 4.5
Cumberland Hill 250,700 642 3.1

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Gerardi Ins Servs Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Scotland 31
Ellington 1315
South Woodstock 124
Wrentham 284
Grafton 548
Coventry 1306
North Seekonk 12
Millville 46
Cumberland Hill 387
Leicester 524
Attleboro 1958
Webster 1009
Medway 380
Lebanon 112

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Gerardi Ins Servs Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Paxton 397800
Scotland 257900
Ellington 279500
South Woodstock 233100
Wrentham 400300
Grafton 337600
Coventry 243700
North Seekonk 364800
Millville 291700
Cumberland Hill 235300
Leicester 285900
Attleboro 288700
Webster 260300
Medway 421700
Lebanon 318100

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Gerardi Ins Servs Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Paxton 224
Scotland 59
Ellington 100
South Woodstock 26
Wrentham 204
Grafton 284
Coventry 422
North Seekonk 26
Millville 58
Cumberland Hill 69
Leicester 185
Attleboro 729
Webster 247
Medway 331
Lebanon 129

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Gerardi Ins Servs Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Paxton 428
Scotland 126
Ellington 1340
South Woodstock 45
Wrentham 1341
Grafton 1789
Coventry 1851
North Seekonk 210
Millville 255
Cumberland Hill 528
Leicester 664
Attleboro 2506
Webster 766
Medway 1762
Lebanon 684