Statistics & Research about West Hartford,CT - Gates Cole Associates Inc

Here are some statistics & research about West Hartford,CT an area served by Gates Cole Associates Inc

Phone : 860-232-7076

Real estate research for area nearby Gates Cole Associates Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Newington 235,300 1104 5.6
Wolcott 251,200 924 4.4
Granby 295,300 1173 4.8
East Windsor 232,000 1067 5.5
New Britain 169,900 880 6.2
Hazardville 189,700 1111 7.0
Plainville 209,500 920 5.3
Glastonbury Center 311,500 1138 4.4
Tolland County 261,300 1025 4.7
South Windsor 276,300 1112 4.8

Number of old houses in places near by Gates Cole Associates Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Newington 224900
Wolcott 211700
Granby 257500
East Windsor 218400
New Britain 177200
Hazardville 177400
Plainville 203800
Glastonbury Center 338700
Tolland County 218200
South Windsor 254600
Coventry 243300
Barkhamsted 291000
Wilbraham 232600
Mansfield 229800
Willimantic 152800

Number of vacant houses in places near by Gates Cole Associates Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Newington 339
Wolcott 195
Granby 108
East Windsor 323
New Britain 3327
Hazardville 37
Plainville 367
Glastonbury Center 190
Tolland County 3413
South Windsor 369
Coventry 226
Barkhamsted 134
Wilbraham 263
Mansfield 708
Willimantic 642

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Gates Cole Associates Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Newington 252200
Wolcott 253700
Granby 257800
East Windsor 260200
New Britain 186100
Hazardville 199100
Plainville 221800
Glastonbury Center 356000
Tolland County 238400
South Windsor 266100
Coventry 194000
Barkhamsted 243900
Wilbraham 306400
Mansfield 265500
Willimantic 163700

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Gates Cole Associates Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Newington 214900
Wolcott 274200
Granby 316900
East Windsor 195300
New Britain 153400
Hazardville 246600
Plainville 187700
Glastonbury Center 252400
Tolland County 284500
South Windsor 301300
Coventry 292000
Barkhamsted 290600
Wilbraham 367000
Mansfield 239000
Willimantic 170000