Statistics & Research about Brookfield,CT - Four Star Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Brookfield,CT an area served by Four Star Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 203-775-5400

Real estate research for area nearby Four Star Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Woodbury 371,000 1097 3.5
Beekman 340,800 1097 3.9
New Castle 873,600 1638 2.3
Jefferson Valley-Yorktown 426,000 1619 4.6
Shenorock 373700 NA NA
Trumbull 429,100 1873 5.2
Dover 249,800 838 4.0
Chappaqua 576,100 1539 3.2
Prospect 301,300 930 3.7
Lincolndale 408,600 2001 5.9

Number of whites in places near by Four Star Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Woodbury 9636
Beekman 12168
New Castle 15119
Jefferson Valley-Yorktown 13558
Shenorock 1713
Trumbull 32617
Dover 7498
Chappaqua 944
Prospect 8983
Lincolndale 1347
Oakville 8348
Bridgeport 68021
Litchfield 8142
Naugatuck 27698
Kent 2917

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Four Star Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Woodbury 278500
Beekman 315800
New Castle 918200
Jefferson Valley-Yorktown 430200
Shenorock 450900
Trumbull 426800
Dover 243700
Chappaqua 571800
Prospect 260800
Oakville 239900
Bridgeport 191500
Litchfield 322300
Naugatuck 228900
Kent 372900

Number of new houses in places near by Four Star Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Trumbull 1000001

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Four Star Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Woodbury 440900
Beekman 365900
New Castle 996500
Jefferson Valley-Yorktown 477500
Shenorock 596800
Trumbull 493300
Dover 298200
Prospect 366900
Oakville 211100
Bridgeport 235200
Litchfield 410800
Naugatuck 250200
Kent 395700