Statistics & Research about New Canaan,CT - Ferguson & Mcguire Inc

Here are some statistics & research about New Canaan,CT an area served by Ferguson & Mcguire Inc

Phone : 203-966-1679

Real estate research for area nearby Ferguson & Mcguire Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Plainview 521,300 1524 3.5
Lake Carmel 288,900 1247 5.2
Pound Ridge 927,900 1645 2.1
Lloyd Harbor 1,000,001 488 0.6
North Hempstead 636,300 1549 2.9
Bronx 380,900 1000 3.2
West Nyack 474,100 1388 3.5
Old Tappan 804,000 2001 3.0
Thornwood 581,700 1635 3.4
East Hills 912500 NA NA

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Ferguson & Mcguire Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Plainview 659
Lake Carmel 44
Pound Ridge 293
Lloyd Harbor 487
North Hempstead 9311
Bronx 9447
West Nyack 154
Old Tappan 403
Thornwood 109
East Hills 738
Croton-on-Hudson 134
Great Neck Plaza 43
Lewisboro 422
Park Ridge 277

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Ferguson & Mcguire Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Plainview 4986
Lake Carmel 1286
Pound Ridge 628
Lloyd Harbor 147
North Hempstead 27846
Bronx 111438
West Nyack 644
Old Tappan 607
Thornwood 455
East Hills 652
Croton-on-Hudson 1310
Great Neck Plaza 343
Lewisboro 1388
Crugers 124
Park Ridge 1276

Number of blacks in places near by Ferguson & Mcguire Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Plainview 162
Lake Carmel 372
Pound Ridge 78
North Hempstead 12753
Bronx 481739
West Nyack 108
Old Tappan 172
Thornwood 10
East Hills 7
Croton-on-Hudson 285
Great Neck Plaza 106
Lewisboro 125
Crugers 152
Park Ridge 105

Number of new houses in places near by Ferguson & Mcguire Inc

Place name Number of new houses
North Hempstead 550000
Bronx 198900
East Hills 1000001