Statistics & Research about Plainville,CT - Edward J Mcmahon Insurance Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Plainville,CT an area served by Edward J Mcmahon Insurance Agency Llc

Phone : 860-793-9204

Car dealers nearby Edward J Mcmahon Insurance Agency Llc

Chris Auto Clinic

Phone: (860) 747-6016

Real estate research for area nearby Edward J Mcmahon Insurance Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Weatogue 337,000 1038 3.7
Middlesex County 299,600 1005 4.0
Barkhamsted 274,500 893 3.9
South Coventry 279,700 568 2.4
Wallingford 274,100 1054 4.6
Middlefield 294,500 911 3.7
Bantam 225,400 640 3.4
Manchester 206,700 1088 6.3
Granville 276,500 833 3.6
Guilford 399,100 1301 3.9

Number of old houses in places near by Edward J Mcmahon Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of old houses
Weatogue 265600
Middlesex County 268200
Barkhamsted 291000
South Coventry 194300
Wallingford 258200
Middlefield 280500
Bantam 247500
Manchester 199900
Granville 266200
Guilford 464900
Blue Hills 166400
New Britain 177200
Moodus 240700
Washington 686700
South Windsor 254600

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Edward J Mcmahon Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Weatogue 736100
Middlesex County 408800
Barkhamsted 360900
South Coventry 247200
Wallingford 325900
Middlefield 518500
Bantam 213900
Manchester 367900
Granville 285900
Guilford 664600
New Britain 216300
Moodus 289300
Washington 615000
South Windsor 414200

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Edward J Mcmahon Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Weatogue 358
Middlesex County 13567
Barkhamsted 262
South Coventry 29
Wallingford 2783
Middlefield 314
Bantam 72
Manchester 3118
Granville 153
Guilford 2678
Blue Hills 82
New Britain 2704
Moodus 84
Washington 442
South Windsor 2631

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Edward J Mcmahon Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Weatogue 686600
Middlesex County 360900
Barkhamsted 364800
South Coventry 304300
Wallingford 383700
Middlefield 355000
Bantam 241700
Manchester 293500
Granville 366700
Guilford 535700
Blue Hills 308300
New Britain 170900
Moodus 269200
Washington 620200
South Windsor 342500