Statistics & Research about Greenville,RI - Duxbury & Ray Insurance Agcy Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Greenville,RI an area served by Duxbury & Ray Insurance Agcy Inc

Phone : 401-949-0559

Real estate research for area nearby Duxbury & Ray Insurance Agcy Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Raynham Center 308,000 1471 5.7
Foxborough 381,600 1198 3.8
Warwick 219,800 1032 5.6
Hopkinton 262,800 621 2.8
Mansfield 372,600 1097 3.5
Griswold 223,900 893 4.8
Plainfield 195,300 993 6.1
North Kingstown 329,600 920 3.3
Holliston 386,000 1005 3.1
Wrentham 419,500 890 2.5

Number of whites in places near by Duxbury & Ray Insurance Agcy Inc

Place name Number of whites
Raynham Center 4166
Foxborough 15881
Warwick 76203
Hopkinton 7853
Mansfield 21155
Griswold 11053
Plainfield 14753
North Kingstown 24715
Holliston 12840
Wrentham 10696
Cumberland Hill 8122
North Providence 28027
Blackstone 8435
Douglas 8307
Thompson 9048

Number of vacant houses in places near by Duxbury & Ray Insurance Agcy Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Raynham Center 96
Foxborough 206
Warwick 2348
Hopkinton 340
Mansfield 147
Griswold 496
Plainfield 744
North Kingstown 898
Holliston 183
Wrentham 226
Cumberland Hill 18
North Providence 782
Blackstone 358
Douglas 123
Thompson 395

Number of new houses in places near by Duxbury & Ray Insurance Agcy Inc

Place name Number of new houses
North Kingstown 572400
Douglas 247500

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Duxbury & Ray Insurance Agcy Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Raynham Center 393300
Foxborough 416300
Warwick 264800
Hopkinton 301600
Mansfield 467200
Griswold 283800
Plainfield 227100
North Kingstown 443800
Holliston 611500
Wrentham 551300
Cumberland Hill 287400
North Providence 241900
Blackstone 315100
Douglas 324900
Thompson 227300