Statistics & Research about Rockville,CT - Dowding Moriarty & Dimock, Inc.

Here are some statistics & research about Rockville,CT an area served by Dowding Moriarty & Dimock, Inc.

Phone : 860-875-2523

Real estate research for area nearby Dowding Moriarty & Dimock, Inc.

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Tariffville 206,600 960 5.6
East Windsor 232,000 1067 5.5
Brimfield 257,500 917 4.3
Pomfret 311,500 900 3.5
Newington 235,300 1104 5.6
Barkhamsted 274,500 893 3.9
Norwich 198,000 940 5.7
Mansfield 254,500 1128 5.3
Belchertown 236,200 695 3.5
Granby 240,900 690 3.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Dowding Moriarty & Dimock, Inc.

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Tariffville 246
East Windsor 1923
Brimfield 404
Pomfret 349
Newington 4477
Barkhamsted 339
Norwich 6384
Mansfield 1781
Belchertown 391
Granby 646
East Granby 490
Sherwood Manor 446
Middletown 6724
Coventry Lake 353
Windsor Locks 1569

Number of vacant houses in places near by Dowding Moriarty & Dimock, Inc.

Place name Number of vacant houses
East Windsor 323
Brimfield 43
Pomfret 72
Newington 339
Barkhamsted 134
Norwich 2019
Mansfield 708
Granby 69
East Granby 57
Sherwood Manor 82
Middletown 1543
Coventry Lake 106
Windsor Locks 216

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Dowding Moriarty & Dimock, Inc.

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Tariffville 322900
East Windsor 260200
Brimfield 166700
Pomfret 292100
Newington 252200
Barkhamsted 243900
Norwich 204100
Mansfield 265500
Belchertown 231000
Granby 193500
East Granby 242200
Sherwood Manor 205100
Middletown 243700
Coventry Lake 138500
Windsor Locks 210600

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Dowding Moriarty & Dimock, Inc.

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Tariffville 61
East Windsor 641
Brimfield 301
Pomfret 301
Newington 1565
Barkhamsted 262
Norwich 2259
Mansfield 963
Belchertown 114
Granby 595
East Granby 421
Sherwood Manor 553
Middletown 2408
Coventry Lake 89
Windsor Locks 557