Statistics & Research about Westport,CT - Darton & Company Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Westport,CT an area served by Darton & Company Inc

Phone : 203-227-7787

Car dealers nearby Darton & Company Inc

Honda Of Westport

Honda of Westport, 1372 Post Road East , Westport, CT , 06880 , Sales: 203-254-1111Service: 203-254-1111Parts: 203-254-1111
Phone: 203-254-1111

Real estate research for area nearby Darton & Company Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Nesconset 471,300 1452 3.7
Islip 369,700 1471 4.8
Scarsdale 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Pleasantville 614,000 1544 3.0
South Huntington 456,100 1542 4.1
Matinecock 1,000,001 1490 1.8
Miller Place 448,800 1438 3.8
New Rochelle 574,500 1280 2.7
West Islip 429,500 1400 3.9
Williston Park 490,500 1701 4.2

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Darton & Company Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Nesconset 1644
Islip 27483
Scarsdale 1869
Pleasantville 637
South Huntington 1048
Matinecock 61
Miller Place 1628
New Rochelle 4331
West Islip 3022
Williston Park 626
Jefferson Valley-Yorktown 1426
Brewster 48
Plandome 153
Somers 2456
Valhalla 240

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Darton & Company Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Nesconset 492400
Islip 378200
Scarsdale 1000001
Pleasantville 549300
South Huntington 444700
Matinecock 1000001
Miller Place 537300
New Rochelle 432700
West Islip 470500
Williston Park 537500
Jefferson Valley-Yorktown 369000
Plandome 1000001
Somers 428700
Valhalla 475000

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Darton & Company Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Nesconset 429
Islip 11855
Scarsdale 1958
Pleasantville 173
South Huntington 392
Matinecock 186
Miller Place 284
New Rochelle 2751
West Islip 1007
Williston Park 105
Jefferson Valley-Yorktown 299
Brewster 5
Plandome 160
Somers 405
Valhalla 28

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Darton & Company Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Nesconset 602700
Islip 391400
Scarsdale 1000001
Pleasantville 779100
South Huntington 552900
Matinecock 1000001
Miller Place 578300
New Rochelle 363900
West Islip 470300
Jefferson Valley-Yorktown 477500
Brewster 65000
Plandome 1000001
Somers 677300
Valhalla 588500