Statistics & Research about Southington,CT - Corporate Risk Solutions Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Southington,CT an area served by Corporate Risk Solutions Inc

Phone : (860) 426-1080

Real estate research for area nearby Corporate Risk Solutions Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Bethany 380,800 981 3.1
East Windsor 232,000 1067 5.5
Suffield 326,300 1070 3.9
Southbury 335,000 1315 4.7
Bethlehem 365,900 826 2.7
Farmington 338,400 1190 4.2
Morris 345,400 892 3.1
Terramuggus 367,100 1500 4.9
Roxbury 653,000 1667 3.1
Hartland 285,800 1250 5.2

Number of whites in places near by Corporate Risk Solutions Inc

Place name Number of whites
Bethany 5187
East Windsor 8754
Suffield 13301
Southbury 18786
Bethlehem 3550
Farmington 22430
Morris 2456
Terramuggus 839
Roxbury 2282
Hartland 2112
Guilford 21234
Canton 9989
Heritage Village 4141
Bolton 4732
Meriden 43506

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Corporate Risk Solutions Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Bethany 228
East Windsor 1923
Suffield 1120
Southbury 2768
Bethlehem 347
Farmington 2924
Morris 414
Terramuggus 59
Roxbury 88
Hartland 130
Guilford 2091
Canton 1092
Heritage Village 1897
Bolton 339
Meriden 9347

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Corporate Risk Solutions Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Bethany 335100
East Windsor 260200
Suffield 285100
Southbury 194100
Bethlehem 265600
Farmington 295000
Morris 290000
Roxbury 584600
Hartland 236900
Guilford 354600
Canton 293300
Heritage Village 144100
Bolton 247400
Meriden 215400

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Corporate Risk Solutions Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Bethany 186
East Windsor 201
Suffield 407
Southbury 315
Bethlehem 85
Farmington 629
Morris 60
Roxbury 101
Hartland 65
Guilford 424
Canton 252
Heritage Village 18
Bolton 97
Meriden 650