Statistics & Research about Wethersfield,CT - Charles G Marcus Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Wethersfield,CT an area served by Charles G Marcus Agency Inc

Phone : (860) 563-9353

Real estate research for area nearby Charles G Marcus Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Windsor 240,800 1145 5.7
Bethlehem 365,900 826 2.7
Cheshire Village 326,300 870 3.2
Blue Hills 164,500 998 7.3
Sherwood Manor 200,900 1083 6.5
Litchfield County 272,000 931 4.1
Andover 302,500 792 3.1
Deep River 282,000 946 4.0
Collinsville 288,000 1157 4.8
Middlesex County 299,600 1005 4.0

Number of whites in places near by Charles G Marcus Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Windsor 15590
Bethlehem 3550
Cheshire Village 4568
Blue Hills 143
Sherwood Manor 5005
Litchfield County 178558
Andover 2989
Deep River 4185
Collinsville 3612
Middlesex County 147872
Stafford 11588
Guilford Center 2358
Moodus 1373
Harwinton 5467
Woodbury 9636

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Charles G Marcus Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Windsor 785
Bethlehem 121
Cheshire Village 278
Blue Hills 42
Sherwood Manor 69
Litchfield County 7692
Andover 62
Deep River 314
Collinsville 124
Middlesex County 8395
Stafford 398
Guilford Center 181
Moodus 101
Harwinton 94
Woodbury 346

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Charles G Marcus Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Windsor 285700
Bethlehem 456800
Cheshire Village 596800
Sherwood Manor 269200
Litchfield County 419200
Andover 371700
Deep River 550000
Collinsville 529800
Middlesex County 408800
Stafford 295800
Guilford Center 377800
Moodus 289300
Harwinton 446200
Woodbury 610700

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Charles G Marcus Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Windsor 281100
Bethlehem 424500
Cheshire Village 461900
Blue Hills 308300
Sherwood Manor 189500
Litchfield County 348300
Andover 359200
Deep River 390000
Collinsville 204200
Middlesex County 360900
Stafford 279800
Moodus 269200
Harwinton 448900
Woodbury 440900