Statistics & Research about Old Lyme,CT - Bouvier Beckwith & Lennox Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Old Lyme,CT an area served by Bouvier Beckwith & Lennox Inc

Phone : 860-873-8606

Car dealers nearby Bouvier Beckwith & Lennox Inc

All Pro Automotive

Old Lyme,CT
Phone: (860) 434-2265

Real estate research for area nearby Bouvier Beckwith & Lennox Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Long Hill 172,600 1279 8.9
South Windham 214,200 692 3.9
Jamesport 451,100 1308 3.5
Andover 302,500 792 3.1
Salem 314,200 1088 4.2
Northwest Harbor 969,400 2001 2.5
Franklin 264,400 1635 7.4
Napeague 868900 NA NA
Mashantucket 287,500 1125 4.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Bouvier Beckwith & Lennox Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Long Hill 1229
South Windham 41
Jamesport 273
Andover 181
Salem 312
Northwest Harbor 380
Franklin 129
Napeague 225
Mashantucket 10
Essex 730
East Haddam 1266
New London County 33284
Old Saybrook 1057
Wallingford Center 2513

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Bouvier Beckwith & Lennox Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Long Hill 663
South Windham 144
Jamesport 45
Andover 62
Salem 157
Franklin 18
Napeague 109
Essex 223
East Haddam 291
New London County 13404
Old Saybrook 269
Wallingford Center 1459

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Bouvier Beckwith & Lennox Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Long Hill 166800
South Windham 268500
Jamesport 425300
Andover 289400
Salem 327000
Northwest Harbor 931400
Franklin 268300
Napeague 864600
Mashantucket 350000
Essex 372100
East Haddam 291700
New London County 271700
Old Saybrook 434400
Wallingford Center 190300

Number of new houses in places near by Bouvier Beckwith & Lennox Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Essex 1000001
New London County 400000