Statistics & Research about East Greenwich,RI - Blackman Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about East Greenwich,RI an area served by Blackman Insurance Agency Inc

631 Main Street
East Greenwich,RI

Real estate research for area nearby Blackman Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Pawcatuck 285,500 936 3.9
Windham County 219,300 867 4.7
Jewett City 176,200 887 6.0
Harmony 264700 NA NA
Newport County 369,300 1152 3.7
Pomfret 311,500 900 3.5
Harrisville 237,600 912 4.6
Mashantucket 287,500 1125 4.7
Attleboro 284,600 945 4.0
North Kingstown 329,600 920 3.3

Number of old houses in places near by Blackman Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Pawcatuck 269400
Windham County 197200
Jewett City 170100
Harmony 189800
Newport County 395700
Pomfret 332900
Harrisville 261700
Attleboro 255000
North Kingstown 292200
Johnston 206300
East Providence 227200
Somerset 294000
Tiverton 322200
Westerly 269400

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Blackman Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Pawcatuck 373
Windham County 5062
Jewett City 421
Harmony 86
Newport County 4748
Pomfret 171
Harrisville 238
Attleboro 1958
North Kingstown 1337
Johnston 1521
East Providence 4115
Somerset 527
Tiverton 629
Westerly 919

Number of new houses in places near by Blackman Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Windham County 251500
Newport County 513900
North Kingstown 572400
Johnston 277500

Number of blacks in places near by Blackman Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Pawcatuck 253
Windham County 2233
Jewett City 39
Newport County 3046
Pomfret 43
Harrisville 14
Mashantucket 29
Attleboro 1816
North Kingstown 526
Johnston 510
East Providence 2784
Somerset 138
Tiverton 28
Westerly 309