Statistics & Research about Cranston,RI - Barton Insurance Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Cranston,RI an area served by Barton Insurance Group Inc

Phone : (401) 781-6700

Car dealers nearby Barton Insurance Group Inc

Dee Auto Village

Phone: 401-943-1450

Tasca Ford Lincoln

TASCA FORD LINCOLN, 1300 Pontiac Ave., Cranston, RI 02910, (401) 681-1300
Phone: (401) 681-1300

Tasca Volvo

Tasca Volvo, 1300 Pontiac AveCranston, RI 02920 , Sales: (888) 804-5235, Service: (888) 804-7186, Parts: (888) 716-2443
Phone: (888) 804-5235

Real estate research for area nearby Barton Insurance Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Smith Mills 278,700 606 2.6
Woonsocket 197,900 768 4.7
North Seekonk 271,700 1566 6.9
Thompson 217,700 868 4.8
Swansea 284,000 891 3.8
Kingston 352,400 1079 3.7
North Attleborough 334,400 977 3.5
Norfolk 451,400 877 2.3
Exeter 350,900 874 3.0
Raynham 324,400 1282 4.7

Number of whites in places near by Barton Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of whites
Smith Mills 4889
Woonsocket 33757
North Seekonk 2440
Thompson 9048
Swansea 15348
Kingston 5745
North Attleborough 26552
Norfolk 9898
Exeter 6349
Raynham 12384
Warren 10482
Lisbon 4093
Narragansett 15409
Jamestown 5161
Cumberland Hill 8122

Number of old houses in places near by Barton Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Smith Mills 262700
Woonsocket 191300
North Seekonk 258300
Thompson 200000
Swansea 295500
Kingston 273900
North Attleborough 300500
Norfolk 389800
Exeter 429800
Raynham 326700
Warren 288500
Lisbon 237500
Narragansett 610600
Jamestown 609200
Cumberland Hill 222700

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Barton Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Smith Mills 466100
Woonsocket 196600
North Seekonk 364800
Thompson 218000
Swansea 349300
Kingston 239900
North Attleborough 294500
Norfolk 482400
Exeter 367500
Raynham 215500
Warren 293700
Lisbon 241400
Narragansett 414200
Jamestown 800700
Cumberland Hill 235300

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Barton Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Smith Mills 16
Woonsocket 472
North Seekonk 26
Thompson 173
Swansea 219
Kingston 7
North Attleborough 426
Norfolk 210
Exeter 125
Raynham 317
Warren 180
Lisbon 95
Narragansett 655
Jamestown 264
Cumberland Hill 69