Statistics & Research about Middletown,CT - Bafumi Insurance Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Middletown,CT an area served by Bafumi Insurance Agency Llc

Phone : 860-347-3530

Car dealers nearby Bafumi Insurance Agency Llc

Protech Automotive

Phone: (860) 343-0000

Real estate research for area nearby Bafumi Insurance Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Willimantic 165,400 812 5.9
Terramuggus 367,100 1500 4.9
West Haven 222,400 1054 5.7
Coventry Lake 191,800 1513 9.5
Portland 298,900 951 3.8
Harwinton 303,700 740 2.9
South Coventry 279,700 568 2.4
Storrs 256,600 1158 5.4
Manchester 206,700 1088 6.3
Niantic 293,400 1261 5.2

Number of vacant houses in places near by Bafumi Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Willimantic 642
Terramuggus 51
West Haven 1937
Coventry Lake 106
Portland 322
Harwinton 168
South Coventry 11
Storrs 307
Manchester 1058
Niantic 394
Chester Center 109
Clinton 729
South Windsor 369
Lyme 185
Bolton 201

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Bafumi Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Willimantic 2206
Terramuggus 181
West Haven 8300
Coventry Lake 723
Portland 1841
Harwinton 1289
South Coventry 185
Storrs 361
Manchester 9646
Niantic 537
Chester Center 240
Clinton 2276
South Windsor 3742
Lyme 494
Bolton 995

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Bafumi Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Willimantic 1276
Terramuggus 51
West Haven 4565
Coventry Lake 111
Portland 277
Harwinton 94
South Coventry 124
Storrs 345
Manchester 3675
Niantic 151
Chester Center 160
Clinton 574
South Windsor 598
Lyme 35
Bolton 185

Number of blacks in places near by Bafumi Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Willimantic 1139
West Haven 10921
Portland 110
Storrs 569
Manchester 6387
Niantic 91
Chester Center 9
Clinton 11
South Windsor 1404
Bolton 80