Statistics & Research about Hamden,CT - Automobile Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about Hamden,CT an area served by Automobile Insurance Group

Phone : 203-288-0737

Real estate research for area nearby Automobile Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Bethlehem 365,900 826 2.7
Ansonia 253,200 1105 5.2
Washington 551,800 1022 2.2
Rocky Hill 273,600 1256 5.5
Wallingford 274,100 1054 4.6
Cromwell 248,100 1090 5.3
Oakville 227,300 1021 5.4
Derby 232,200 1079 5.6
West Hartford 305,600 1140 4.5
Heritage Village 158,300 1223 9.3

Number of old houses in places near by Automobile Insurance Group

Place name Number of old houses
Bethlehem 454500
Ansonia 232000
Washington 686700
Rocky Hill 273000
Wallingford 258200
Cromwell 259200
Oakville 218000
Derby 218800
West Hartford 330800
Heritage Village 222200
Bristol 184600
Wethersfield 256900
Chester 264800
Oxford 370900
Roxbury 737200

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Automobile Insurance Group

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Bethlehem 121
Ansonia 651
Washington 167
Rocky Hill 1252
Wallingford 2117
Cromwell 541
Oakville 465
Derby 867
West Hartford 3103
Heritage Village 549
Bristol 3868
Wethersfield 1413
Chester 311
Oxford 83
Roxbury 70

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Automobile Insurance Group

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Bethlehem 265600
Ansonia 254900
Washington 298100
Rocky Hill 260600
Wallingford 274900
Cromwell 279800
Oakville 239900
Derby 226900
West Hartford 327900
Heritage Village 144100
Bristol 226900
Wethersfield 288500
Chester 242600
Oxford 329000
Roxbury 584600

Number of new houses in places near by Automobile Insurance Group

Place name Number of new houses
Rocky Hill 339300
Wallingford 595600
Cromwell 575000