Statistics & Research about Norwalk,CT - Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Svcs Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Norwalk,CT an area served by Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Svcs Inc

Phone : 203-622-1188

Real estate research for area nearby Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Svcs Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Peach Lake 360,600 2000 6.7
Westbury 440,900 1445 3.9
Plandome Heights 973,400 2001 2.5
East Williston 777,200 2001 3.1
Uniondale 346,900 1275 4.4
Belle Terre 927,600 2001 2.6
Wheatley Heights 447,500 1361 3.6
Ardsley 675,300 1729 3.1
Rockleigh 1000001 NA NA
Old Westbury 1,000,001 2001 2.4

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Svcs Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Peach Lake 37
Westbury 407
Plandome Heights 65
East Williston 84
Uniondale 1033
Belle Terre 132
Wheatley Heights 256
Ardsley 165
Rockleigh 26
Old Westbury 378
Laurel Hollow 289
Eastchester 840
Old Greenwich 531
Old Bethpage 142
Commack 1178

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Svcs Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Westbury 390400
Uniondale 381000
Belle Terre 1000001
Wheatley Heights 629600
Ardsley 1000001
Old Westbury 1000001
Laurel Hollow 1000001
Eastchester 963200
Old Greenwich 1000001
Commack 815800

Number of new houses in places near by Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Svcs Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Old Greenwich 1000001

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Svcs Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Peach Lake 426900
Westbury 471400
Plandome Heights 1000001
East Williston 704500
Uniondale 352100
Belle Terre 708300
Wheatley Heights 439300
Ardsley 645800
Rockleigh 1000001
Old Westbury 1000001
Laurel Hollow 1000001
Eastchester 399800
Old Greenwich 924300
Old Bethpage 572800
Commack 486800