Statistics & Research about Norwich,CT - Aci Commercial Insurance Broke

Here are some statistics & research about Norwich,CT an area served by Aci Commercial Insurance Broke

598 W Main St Ste 4
Phone : 860-373-9211

Real estate research for area nearby Aci Commercial Insurance Broke

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Griswold 223,900 893 4.8
Windham County 219,300 867 4.7
Scotland 252,700 1135 5.4
Bozrah 262,400 1071 4.9
Saybrook Manor 413,200 1780 5.2
Ledyard 260,500 1337 6.2
Plainfield 195,300 993 6.1
Lake Pocotopaug 257,400 920 4.3
Watch Hill 1000001 NA NA
Willimantic 165,400 812 5.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Aci Commercial Insurance Broke

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Griswold 1702
Windham County 13126
Scotland 150
Bozrah 206
Saybrook Manor 325
Ledyard 1010
Plainfield 1620
Lake Pocotopaug 605
Watch Hill 92
Willimantic 2126
Ashford 580
South Woodstock 172
Groton Long Point 62
Willington 514
Fishers Island 128

Number of whites in places near by Aci Commercial Insurance Broke

Place name Number of whites
Griswold 11053
Windham County 108037
Scotland 1707
Bozrah 2455
Saybrook Manor 1103
Ledyard 13207
Plainfield 14753
Lake Pocotopaug 2950
Watch Hill 206
Willimantic 12963
Ashford 4144
South Woodstock 884
Groton Long Point 459
Willington 5790
Fishers Island 307

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Aci Commercial Insurance Broke

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Griswold 663
Windham County 5062
Scotland 31
Bozrah 62
Saybrook Manor 108
Ledyard 270
Plainfield 484
Lake Pocotopaug 177
Willimantic 1276
Ashford 187
South Woodstock 124
Groton Long Point 3
Willington 269
Fishers Island 34

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Aci Commercial Insurance Broke

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Griswold 58
Windham County 1791
Scotland 59
Bozrah 39
Saybrook Manor 5
Ledyard 317
Plainfield 186
Watch Hill 122
Willimantic 205
Ashford 45
South Woodstock 26
Groton Long Point 80
Willington 95
Fishers Island 33