Statistics & Research about New Haven,CT - Abbate Insurance Associates Inc

Here are some statistics & research about New Haven,CT an area served by Abbate Insurance Associates Inc

Phone : (203) 777-7229

Real estate research for area nearby Abbate Insurance Associates Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
East Shoreham 443,200 1917 5.2
Weston 906,900 2001 2.6
Fairfield County 447,500 1279 3.4
Roxbury 653,000 1667 3.1
Wolcott 251,200 924 4.4
Poquott 667,700 1580 2.8
Rocky Hill 273,600 1256 5.5
Stratford 276,200 1115 4.8
Easton 693,400 2001 3.5
Oakville 227,300 1021 5.4

Number of vacant houses in places near by Abbate Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
East Shoreham 49
Weston 330
Fairfield County 27724
Roxbury 191
Wolcott 195
Poquott 32
Rocky Hill 527
Stratford 1224
Easton 90
Oakville 228
Prospect 94
East Hampton 557
Middlesex County 7994
Orange 279
Clinton 729

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Abbate Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
East Shoreham 640600
Weston 1000001
Fairfield County 666200
Roxbury 1000001
Wolcott 400900
Poquott 678600
Rocky Hill 417800
Stratford 348400
Easton 1000001
Oakville 362200
Prospect 418300
East Hampton 362200
Middlesex County 408800
Orange 663200
Clinton 465200

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Abbate Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
East Shoreham 808
Weston 644
Fairfield County 116357
Roxbury 549
Wolcott 3193
Poquott 108
Rocky Hill 2587
Stratford 9474
Easton 768
Oakville 1763
Prospect 1721
East Hampton 2687
Middlesex County 30299
Orange 2336
Clinton 2276

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Abbate Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
East Shoreham 489500
Weston 1000001
Fairfield County 585900
Roxbury 607500
Wolcott 318700
Poquott 1000001
Rocky Hill 346600
Stratford 281400
Easton 938100
Oakville 211100
Prospect 366900
East Hampton 337800
Middlesex County 360900
Orange 555100
Clinton 396100